Calculating the molar volume of Hydrogen gas


The molar volume of hydrogen gas is supposed to be 22.4L but we all know that our experiments do not work out the way we want them to. So we are going to the find the molar volume of our experiment and hope it is close to 22.4L.


In order to do this we are going to use the combined gas law equation. V1P1/T1 = V2P2/T2. I know there are a lot of variables, but most of the variables are STP. STP is standard temperature and pressure, which are the variables that standard molar volume exists in. Remember that a standard molar volume of gas has a volume of 22.4L no matter what the type of gas is. The temperature will have to 273K, the pressure should be 1 atm, and all of this is for 1 mol of gas in order for a gas to have this volume. Our experiment was not done under these conditions therefore we need to adjust our number to see what volume we would get if they were under these conditions.


To do this, rearrange the equation to solve for V2. I will not do this for you but I will help you with the variables and.


V1 = 22.4L

P1 = 1 atm

T1 = 273 K

V2 = ?

P2 = what you calculated from a few problem ago.

T2 = the measured temperature from the experiment.